Age of Empires Online canceled
Famous Age of Empires Online is announced to be offline.
Age of Empires Online canceled for good
Game had average empire game features like buildings and army training. You had to combine the strength of your army and strategy to get the best of your opponents. You had to lead your citizens and discover new technologies to advance your empire further towards success and glory.
This game also had premium bonuses. People who bought those bonuses with real money have not been compensated in any way nor is it announced. Although some people have invested a lot of money and are sending letters to the developers. Hoping for a refund seems to be a far fetch.
This was first officially announced a year before shutting down to ensure people would no longer invest money before the game was about to shut down.
What good does it bring that Age of Empires Online canceled like that?
The competitors to this game were thrilled to hear news like Age of Empires Online shutting down. Guess why? because all these players now had to find an alternative similar game to play. Let's hope any of the competitors won't shut down like Age of Empires Online did.

You can check out Age of Empires Online competitors from browser games listing.
Overall this game seemed to be a success and had a lot of players. It really is a bad news that such a great game has been announced offline / shut down.
In-game graphics were outstanding. Nothing you would expect from a browser game. Lots of hard work was implemented into Age of Empires Online features and modern cartoonish looks.
This is not temporary. Age of Empires is offline and always will be. This game is canceled!
Why was Age of Empires Online canceled?
This game was made by Microsoft and they just didn't see the potential in this game and are focusing more on their biggest success - X-Box.
More info about why Age of Empires Online canceled from Wikipedia.
2 comments on “Age of Empires Online canceled”
The pricing and over-confidence in their pricing was what spoiled their chance at a successful game. F2P was a joke and it was £30+ to buy a single civ to play on (until later when bundles and pricing was rethought). GPG did all they could to try and save the game in the later stages of development and honestly they were doing a fine job of turning it around, but seemingly the department had already bled itself dry of funds and didn't consider the venture worth pursuing any longer. If MS hadn't gone out their way to wipe every trace of discussion about this game from the web you could read the community feedback, funny how the one game that failed has so little discussion to be found on the big wide web(they did a good cleanup job - it's as if the game never existed).
It was the equivalent of the modern day price gouging nonsense developers are becoming comfortable pulling that saw the game fail, they're all doing now it releasing 30%(if that) of a game and later releasing content and missing features in the form of DLC and expansions as a means to charge you over and over(for one game) when they've not even managed to release a semi or reasonably complete game.
At the end, it was a great game that needed a bigger development team with the funds to see it through, Microsoft decided it would rather gouge the market by reselling it's previous titles instead and pushing the IP onto the mobile platform. I'm not even convinced they want to continue with the series, why bother when AOEII HD is doing so well and the mobile platform is still generating sales.
I still have my AOEO client installed, just to reminisce from time to time. They really had a chance to make a great AOE MMO and it really was a fun game, such wasted potential, such a shame.
Join us when you want this game back:
This game miss me so hard, i never found another game like that !
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