Torpia shut down
Torpia has been with us for a long time and it has been a great journey for a lot of players, but not for long.
Torpia is announced to be shut down.
Game still runs in Janurary, however, they'd like to give you a heads up that Torpia is being shut down, and as soon as the current rounds expire, their respective servers will be closed for good.

Why is Torpia shutting down?
There are various reasons, for example you can't run a game forever, there is an ending for everything, even for awesome strategy based browser games. Keep in mind that Topria is made by Upjers. There are many games made by Upjers and they see more potential in other games. The main reason is the lack of time. Game companies that develop browser games, they make new games from time to time, but that also means they have to let go of some games that do not have a high potential. For example if they made a game each month, that would mean 12 games in a year. Would it be easy to manage 12 games? NO, that's why you keep those that made it to the top and leave those that didn't make it.
If you would like to see other games made by Upjers, visit their official site: TORPIA.
Torpia had a good run and a good playerbase with nostalgic players who logged in daily, those loyal players will probably look into other games made by Upjers so give those new games a chance.
12 comments on “Torpia shut down”
theres a new version of torpia out now. it should be fully operational in august 24 although you can still play just now. the name has been changed ,its now called Oily Beard. its torpia in every thing but name with one massive difference ... its NOT pay to win . check it out !
Hey I was a big fan of this game a while ago. I'm thinking to recreate the game in Gdevelop 5. Would people be interested to play the game again if I remake it?
Yes definitely. But it needs to be the original one. Not a modernized version or something!!
I would play it again
Me too
This game needs to come back it will have a huge impact again if the game comes back. A lot of players that have been playing in the past want this game to come back i hope this will happen in the future...
ive got a torpia remake at :)
What a great game was Torpia. I tried other games such as War and Order, Tribal Wars and some others. But they could never live up to Torpia. I played a few worlds successfully. I would try a restart immediately!
Hey guys just wanted to let you know that there's a new version or copie of torpia
A guy on reddit has been working on the game and it should be ready in a couple of months.
You can already register and play, some stuff isnt ready yet like attacking a town, but all other fonctions are operational. Game is on , and you can also check the reddit sub dedicated to this new version of torpia
I hope y'all guys join us asap !!!
Torpia was subliem. Als topranking player mis ik het nog steeds. Hoop dat nu, na enkele jaren er weer interesse, tijd en energie in gestoken kan worden.
Hope to see you soon Torpia
Translated comment with updated link:
> There is a new version, see the development here:
Original comment (Dutch):
> Er is een nieuwe versie, zie hier de ontwikkeling: /r/TorpiaComingBack/
will it ever come back?
Is there a game that looks like this?
Yes there is. Empire four kingdoms
Kan iemand dit spel overnemen van Upjers en opnieuw online brengen?
Would love to see this game back online.
Playing now War and Order, but nothing like Torpia.
I am so hoping this guys bring this game back,
abosulutely loved the game
it was a very good game, can you please set the game back on the internet, it would mean a lot for me :)
Sad to see it go. But torpia was made by webgamic tho..
It will be legendariuos game strategy ever made. Farewell torpia....
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