Deepolis (OFFLINE)
Deepolis brings you the wonders of fascinating underwater world called "Deepolis". Quite action-packed, not a sit back and wait/watch type of game. Discover large 3D oceans maps and fight in battles with your submarine. Get your fleets up and running and start attacking your enemies, use your strategical skills at Trading Stations. Start doing quests to make the beginning a little bit easier, then visit merchant to buy goods. Game is "no-download", signup required.

(3 votes, average: 2.67 out of 5)
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1 comments on “Deepolis”
Translated: I had a high level in deepolis, I had an elite ship, big pont deepolis closed the account and added the dark pont online game what should we do
Original (Turkish): deepolıs de yuksek sevıyem vardi elit gemım vardi bıgpont deepolıste hesap kapatıp dark pont onlıne oyunu ekledi ne yapmamız lazım
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