Gundam Storm (OFFLINE)
Gundam Storm is a text-based browser game about great wars. While Signing Up you must choose a faction that gives you the certain amount of bonus. War factory is a place where you can purchase soldiers and train them. Attack other players and use searching tool to find specific players. Barracks is a place to store soldiers, equipment and weapons but keep in mind that it has a daily fee. Join a clan, increase your experience and manage your stats. You can also explore space by using fuel.

(4 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5)
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7 comments on “Gundam Storm”
let turn it on!
Working on a revitalization. Won't be the same, but hopefully similar. Stay tuned.
How is this revamp going?!
Is there any discord channel?
I am trying to find back all the old text-based mmorpgs that I have played, and most of them are gone...
It is at least some good news that someone is still trying to revive something similar.
While I'm very behind the progress I was hoping to make on the game itself, I did set up a discord for it a while ago.
I'm trying to find help with the programming end of it as work has been eating up nearly all my free time as of late. Since I have to rebuild the entire engine from scratch, I'm trying to do it in a way that's easily expanded in the future as well, and more compliant to web standards.
Was hoping for summer, but that's probably way too optimistic unless something changes. But, if interested, feel free to hop in discord and chat about the good old days if nothing else.
Turn it on again!
This game was awesome . Miss it
The owner died years ago and it has been for sale by his remaining family for years. If you actually ever went to the game site it had a message saying contact them if you're interested. It seems they let the domain expire since it no longer shows the message.
How do you know this?
You can use the wayback machine to see the page to see it:
Hello everyone,
Tetsuo's estate has asked me as part of his final wish to pass along GS. If interested, please contact me at capek at
Thank You
How much for this
not for sale
CR, come on. Let’s bring this back online and see if anyone would return. There were great friendships started here .
What? Why?
me too!!! that would be soooooo sick
Where you at
I would like to buy the original script of this game and bring it back online. please contact me
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