Phoenix: Beyond the Stellar Empire

Phoenix: Beyond the Stellar Empire is a sci-fi strategy and resource management game. Suited to browser gamers that enjoy controlling large numbers of detailed assets. Game does not offer fancy/modern graphics, but it does provide something better. It provides frequent updates, interesting gameplay and helpful moderators. Connects you with nostalgic community where new players will get a warm welcome. Once you are in, you find yourself doing missions, trading, managing diplomacy and increasing your military power.

141 votes, average: 4.65 out of 5 141 votes, average: 4.65 out of 5 141 votes, average: 4.65 out of 5 141 votes, average: 4.65 out of 5 141 votes, average: 4.65 out of 5

(141 votes, average: 4.65 out of 5)

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