Antaris Legacy for sale

May 29, 2015 | 2 Comments

WARNING: This is an illegal version, stolen from the original version. Here is the original game: Antaris-Legacy

Recent announcement from Antaris Legacy is quite interesting. Game is for sale, anyone can buy it if interested. Price was 150€, but now it's down to 100€. To buy the game, contact the game owner. The owner's Skype is *REMOVED* NOT SELLING ANYMORE so simply add and let him know that you are interested in buying out the game.

What exactly is Antaris Legacy about?

It's a futurist browser based game, mostly involving space. Not only is the story futuristic, game design is also very well fit with the game itself. It has production and researching technologies as well as various planets to colonize. Interface is easy to use and currently 5 types of resources to generate. Modern looks and quite promising gameplay if some bugs were to be fixed. Most of the work is done and the future owner just needs to tweak some values and fix few bugs.

Antaris Legacy for sale

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