Featured browser games

PBBG Player Survey 2024

New Magical Circle Guru-Guru and Monster Musume Games

May 16, 2024

Fans of anime games have something to celebrate! CTW Inc. has just released two new officially licensed browser-based games: Magical Circle Guru-Guru: Stardust Adventure and Monster Musume Fantastic Life

Zaalah talks Trounced

May 18, 2023

Zaalah tells us all about Trounced; the new game from Cardboard Machete.

Peter on Milky Way Idle

May 13, 2023

Dive into the history of the smash hit game Milky Way Idle as developer Peter gives us the amazing backstory of the game and the husband-and-wife team behind it.

Charlie on Interstellar War

April 16, 2023

The current version of Interstellar War is the third generation of the game. A new team has made a great game together with the community. Worth checking out!

Dragnethar interview with Febndy

February 06, 2023

An interview with Febndy about the history and plans for Dragnethar Online.

Adam about Football-o-Rama

July 28, 2022

We've already met Adam in his interview about Santa Monica FC Online. This time we dive into one of his other creations, called Football-o-Rama. An football manager game with high uncertainty about players' capabilities and issues.

The Open League

March 28, 2022

A deep dive with Kote on the team and story behind The Open League, a football management game with a nice integration of Discord, bots and player interaction.

Interview with Josh about Mafia Omerta

November 23, 2021

How did Mafia Omerta start? Learn about the start and history of Mafia Omerta, told by its creator Josh.

Mike about Bloodletting

November 11, 2021

Bloodletting is a unique game where writing is part of your game story and level progression. We talk to Mike about the start and the current situation of Bloodletting.

Interview with Mantas on ArmyGrid

November 02, 2021

Mantas takes us on a tour of the origin story and history behind the unique game Armygrid, a combination of chess, tower defense and expansion.

Interview with Steve about Broken Bat

October 11, 2021

Dive with us and Steve into this baseball simulator and management game Broken Bat.

Interview with Mica on Phoenix Beyond the Stellar Empire

October 06, 2021

Mica takes us on a journey through the almost 30 year history of Phoenix: Beyond the Stellar Empire. Learn about the history and things that make the game unique!

Recent Comments

Agonia - Tales of Forgotten Lands

started the game, long awaited browser game.

Webon on July 18, 2024

Battered Shield

This could be a very fun game. In parts, it already is. I don't think that there is combat in the game, although it's listed on the web as a "fighting browser game". The "failure" idea is interesting but horribly overdone. To start with, as I was doing the initial quests, I really didn't need the double XP for the up-to-90% failures, I really needed the items. And lots of introductory information is incorrect or not available. Here's one example. For one of the earliest building projects you need 350 Copper Nails, and some Boards. To make nails, you need 1 Copper Bar, which requires 4 Copper Ore and a Fuel. So far so good. Copper Ore is easy to mine in one location. Then you need Logs, also easy from location 2. Then you need to go to location 3 to convert the Logs to Fuel (really?). The smelting furnace is in a 4th location. The game says the chance to Smith nails is 14% to get 20-30 Copper Nails. In game results are closer to 8%. So now, after collecting materials, you know you need to go back to those locations and get eleven times as much as you already have. To be fair, the average for Nails is really 25 per success as shown. The observed yield for Nails is about 1.5 per BAR (not Ore). It's pretty easy to get overloaded. When I asked, a dev/mod came on and gave me a bunch of magic Strawberries, which multiplied my carrying capacity. Really helpful. But I could not have found out about them in-game, and could not have obtained them at all without dev-intervention AFTER I nearly quit and posted a complaint.. Now you can go back and get the logs you need from Location 2, convert them to boards at location 3, and then go to location 5 to actually build the fence. All this with separate action botchecks. This is not an "idle" MMO. Since most crafting has a 70-80% success rate, I tried to point out that the 7-8% rate for nails was probably a decimal point error in the database. I got no response to that, and it has not changed. Now to expand that building later, I will need Bronze, which is twice the work of Copper. Not happening under the current system. I haven't quit yet, because I still think there is potential, but I'm not playing regularly or taking it seriously.

Ruritz on July 17, 2024



rainer21 on July 16, 2024

Ant Wars

turn it on again!

orangeworm on July 15, 2024

Street Racerz

Good game take a long to get far in to it like ranking and get cash

Street-racer on July 12, 2024

Unholy RPG

Just found this.... interesting remarks. My faulty memory may be playing tricks but Zed did have a good idea for this at beginning... pity those following seem to have tried to same as RV and efed it up

graham meade on July 11, 2024


Best online football manager

Clentziu on July 09, 2024


turn it on!

orangeworm on July 08, 2024

Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra

Hi, great game ! But ihave a problem finding my original account of 9Yrs on server 1 ?? I took a break ! ,and when I returned I logged in but the actual game I was presented with was a starter like I have said I have been playing regular 9yrs. I have missed my game , I did by pure accident get it back I joined Family TOYS. theleader BUGSY, Ian still looking I would be very great full if you could help ! My name Guv'nor Family TOYS 😁 ps like I said I got back recently for a week then it vanished again I play on chrome server and I keep logged in I need log out maybe it's chrome mistake! Regards Guvnor alias Derek Blake

Derek Blake. on July 07, 2024


Game ran like a concentration camp, dont play.

RIV203 on July 01, 2024


Do you want a game where you can lose your collection that has been built over multiple years cause the Admin had a hissyfit? This is the right place for such amazing and fun-filled content! All your desires can be fullfilled here! You dont believe me? You can get yelled at by the lovely and amazing Head Admin "RedStingray73" for no reason, get meaningful and useful answers to questions like a copy paste of a pointless line from the ruleset that doesnt even make sense! But this isnt everything! Even asking for a dealership gets you a really long paragraph that is just "no" and if you want a reason you'll get it in no time! It results in no reasoning, deletion of messages and also just a possible ban for you! And the best saved for the rest, you'll have a supportive community that gets silenced cause you pointed out meaningful stuff by Redstingray73, with deletion of messages, bans, account resets and more! So come on down to the Concentration Camp that is called GTRacer! (jeehaa best admin)

RedSucksAss on July 01, 2024

MafiaBattle 1955

What happened to the game I can not ever log in anymore

Lynn McBride on June 30, 2024

Agonia - Tales of Forgotten Lands

Good game

Bujee on June 30, 2024


I play hattrick for more than 15 years now. It is the BEST soccer management game online. It is SLOW. You need to plan your team way in advance, but the game is stable enough that you can plan 5 years ahead and see it happen. Totally recommend this game over all other browser based soccer management game.

Bruno P on June 28, 2024

Rogue Vampires

So, on revisit, its been 12 months + since a so called revival announcement... so I must assume this 'revival' is nothing but a pipe dream. There hasn't even been any reassuring posts by the 'new owners' to keep interest alive. Its dead, dead and gone. Time to move on people

Graham Meade on June 28, 2024

Agonia - Tales of Forgotten Lands

nice game

NotSoImportant on June 26, 2024