BattleMaster early updates

June 15, 2015 | 1 Comments

BattleMaster gameThere was a little downtime period, but everything is now in order. BattleMaster's server went down and they has to make a complete reinstall to the server to get it working again. The restoring was not instant, features started working one by one. Lets hope something like this does not happen anytime soon. To make up for the downtime that players had to experience, they were working even faster on the promised updates. This is their way of apologizing. Lets see what these updates are all about.

  • Under Estates, family homes are displayed and when more than three homes in region then only display if more than 10 fame.

  • Stewards can now post monster or un-dead bounties.

  • Some stats are now based on the region's recruitment centers, but if there are none, the stats will be lower.

  • On army info page you may now see Standing Orders.

There are a lot of more bug fixes and feature updates implemented with the latest update pack, make sure you read the full list of updates at BattleMaster's home.

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