Gladiatus looking for Game Operators

June 19, 2015 | 2 Comments

They have once again started looking for new Game Operators. Simply send a GO application and wait for the feedback. Gladiatus is far from dying off and they need more staff members.

Gladiatus Game Operators

What do Game Operators do?

First of all, they are the main support for all player's questions and concerns. GO should answer to all players, keeping in mind that the answers represent Gladiatus so no bad language is allowed. GO should always remain calm and mature even if players are not. If you are not patient and friendly, better not bother sending an application. They also keep and eye for players who use bad language or cheat the system or bend the game rules. Once they notice something like that, they usually ban these players for a period of time or lifetime. Keep the servers clean and players informed, that's it.

What are the requirements?

Due to some legal principles, all applicants must be of age 18 or older. This won't just be another checkbox where you confirm your age, you need to send proof like an ID card or passport or other ways of proving your age. Of course not send the actual document or card, just a photo of it. Don't even think about editing the photos, they will check if they are legit or not. Your application must be at least few hundred words, more is always better, not less. Make sure you state your reasons of wanting to become GO. Make sure you give them a review of your skills and reasons why they should choose you instead of others. Also note the server where you are playing Gladiatus. You must also know all the game's rules and the game itself inside-out.

What can you get in return?

They will create a special game operator's e-mail for you. It will probably consist of the game title "gladiatus", something to be proud of as it's a massive game. You get to work along side with the Gladiatus team, which does sound interesting, since they have created one of the most successful browser games of all time.

NB! Please send your applications to [email protected]

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