Rise of Clans 50€ giveaway for new players

April 05, 2017 | 8 Comments

Rise of Clans giveaway

Rise of Clans and NewRPG have partnered up to give away a total of 50� for new game players. Create an account in the game and hit at least level 3 and leave a comment below this post with the username you used to create your account in the game to take part of this giveaway. Make sure you use your real e-mail address so you can be notified if you are the lucky winner! No cheating - so don't create more than one account or the prize will go to someone else in case of winning. Winners will get their winning directly to their PayPal accounts. There's also a extra prize for the winner of the round so stick around to play the game.

Giveaway details

Total of 2 winners will be announced on April 22.
Giveaway has ended! Results below:

  • 1x - 30� Winner: aragon

  • 1x - 20� Winner: ValbergT

How to participate

  • Create Rise of Clans account from HERE.

  • Comment below this post, use your ingame username and real e-mail address.

  • To be eligible you have to hit level 3 or higher.

  • 2 lucky winners will get an e-mail to obtain their winnings on April 22.


Rise of Clans is a browser game that requires strategy and determination. There are three races and each race includes different advantages - Spartans have increased attack, Enlightened have increased intelligence and Outcasts have increased defence. Pick your race and win the round, each round has a real money prize.

TIP: You can increase your level by attacking other players. Simply go to the rankings, click a player name and then click the sword icon. Leveling guide: riseofclans.com/guide-full

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