Trophy Manager season 42

July 27, 2015 | 1 Comments

Game arrived at 2006, meaning it's almost 10 years old now. They are currently at season 42 which started at June 15. This also means someone won the prize since each ending season gives out a prize.

Bidding improved

Trophy Manager Season 42They were working on making the Bids page more player-friendly and the changes are now up and running. You can now see all necessary details without having to navigate into another page. This was possible with the power of Pop-ups. For example you can see transfer agents via one of the bidding Pop-ups.

Server upgraded

There have been "503" errors and lots of crashed, which lead to the question "Should be upgrade the server?". The answer was YES, they got a brand new server, that is already in action with new RAM that is worth over 4k $. This should theoretically make the game twice as fast as the server specs are now doubled.
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