Virtual Manager project Granddad

May 20, 2015 | 0 Comments

There will be changes in how old players in Virtual Manager develop. For quite some time, players have disliked the idea that older players are better on the pitch, for them the idea is nonsense.

Another topic is the fact that players training success is the best when in 27-28 years of players age and they feel that this should be configured to be lower.

Also most of the players never reach to rating 20 or more, so players feel like they don't advance through the game, but rather stay in the same place with their team progress.

Looking at players who are in a club, grouped by ratings, distribution would look like this in the following table:

Rating 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
Percentage 62.5% 18.8% 9.3% 4.8% 2.5% 1.3% 0.5% 0.2% 0.05% 0.03%

In other words around 81% of players own a rating below 20, not to mention that the statistics are only for players who are actively training and are in a club.

These problems and suggestions mentioned will be addressed and looked into. A lot of ideas are still to be realized to make the game more flexible to all players.

  • Individual age will be available for players, where their training peaks.

  • A player who peaks early, could improve at faster rate while he's young and shoot straight to the top.

  • There won't be knowing when and if players will peak.

  • Players who are few years away from peaking, physio department will reveal a hint about their peaking happening time. The better the department, the better the estimated time hint.

  • When a player has peaked or moments after, your physio department will verify that it's true.

  • Old player's physical abilities (speed, endurance, acceleration etc) will begin to decrease and the closer the ability is to 100, the more dramatic will be the decline. Also special effort is needed from your coaches as well as physio department to keep these players on top for as long as they can.

  • Depending on the age where their training peaks, players abilities decrease at different rate.

These changes may take time so please have patience.

Since the changes only require to change some values and formulas, it won't take a year to see these changes in game. What takes time is testing, everything seems very clear in theory, but in reality the results could be different from what was expected. To create a better gaming environment, changes will be implemented only when everything is near perfection and balanced.


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