Battlestar Galactica Online (OFFLINE)
Sci-Fi game Battlestar Galactica Online is a F2P online game that has quite the graphics for a space shooter MMO. You can choose multiple ships, but it's recommended to figure out which one you like and just working on that one. Might feel a bit grind-fest later but the beginning sure is fun. Can be played without downloading anything, using Unity Web Player, there is also an option of downloading the client into your computer to make the game much faster.
In a category: 3D browser MMORPG

(5 votes, average: 3.8 out of 5)
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1 comments on “Battlestar Galactica Online”
John Doe
October 09, 2019 at 04:03 pm
The game was shutdown at the end of January 2019.
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