Battlestar (OFFLINE)
Battlestar is a sci-fi browser game with space setting. Under resources you can build a resource and upgrade it to the next level. The list of buildings includes factory, shipyard, storage, lab, university and terraformer. Before you can start researching you must build a research lab first. Wander in the galaxy and colonize other planets. There are three packs available that you can purchase in exchange for dark matter. Expand your planet and find your planet in the hall of fame.

(55 votes, average: 4.31 out of 5)
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11 comments on “Battlestar”
good game easy to learn and play but enough to do to keep you busy
it's great!
Been playing for years now. Enjoying the game, engaged in many battles, and made many friends on the way.
Fun game. I recommend it to anyone interested in sci-fi and space related topics.
fun game very cool
blatant rip off of ogame. play that one, is far superior
the best game i pla4 5 years this game !
far to slow
The game met all of my expectations. It is low maintenance once you get going and watching your points and rank increase on the rankings page is very satisfying!
Battlestar tk is a damn good strategy game. You can make friends here and join an alliance to help further your progress on battlestar. i would highly recommend it for those who are heavily involved with strategy games,but also for anyone else interested. Come join us and lets rule the galaxy.
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