Browser Dota (OFFLINE)
Browser Dota is a turn based RPG-like real-time browser game inspired by Valve's famous Dota 2 game elements. In this strategic multiplayer game, your objective is to make the strongest hero by reaching the highest level during a match which lasts a week. Each hero has a combination of different skills and items that are put to the test in various battles, or 'ganks', in which the outcome depends on who has the best combination, or 'build'. There are over 50 different skills, over 40 different items and 3 main attribute to choose from: Agility, Strength and Intelligence, each with its strengths and weaknesses.

(94 votes, average: 4.8 out of 5)
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9 comments on “Browser Dota”
Miss this game so much. Wonder what happened with the devs. Game was removed with no warning to its players. If only someone picked up the core and bring the game back online. It was tons of fun.
@quenster It was a fanmade project that didn't have any way to monetize, eventually just shut down.
The creator frequented the subreddit back in the day, might be able to dig up the old posts if you can find them.
Link directs me to non-browserdota site
Thank you for letting us know - game looks to be discontinued. Now marked as Offline.
Man isn't the community great? Besides Partyhattar of course
Partyhattar is good for one thing.......
yeah, partyhattar sucks
Good game, could have been better if Partyhattar was removed.
Kidding, He is not so bad.
This game is a lot of fun to play and a great time killer during those fun dota queue times. Can confirm that the best part of the game is watching partyhatter die to 4 counter helix procs
Best way to spend your time while searching for your next dota match. This game is fairly new and has its own evolving meta. The people are nice, and there are even opportunities to win dota treasure chests worth Steam dollars. The game resets every week so you are able to try out different strategies each time. Definitely worth checking out if you like Dota 2.
Treasure chests currently no longer used for prizes. Instead you get premium rank for a certain amount of time (depending on how well you did). Premium rank gives some nice convenience perks.
Yeah Partyhattar is a dick, but the game is fun.
I agree with @Partyhattar even though i really dont like him. Very simple and fun
Perfect game to have as a side thing. Does not take up much time, leave it while waiting to respawn and come back to it once you're out in lane so you can start ganking other players.
Nice community with many active players on the games Discord chat. Much fun and much learning about the game is had there.
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