CAC Mafia Life

CAC Mafia Life is a mafia browser game where you start as a thief. Your aim is to become the most respected thug. Commit crimes such as stealing a minivan, mugging a homeless person, robbing a bank, kidnapping an actress and breaking into a car. You can manage your own Drug Empire by creating meth and growing weed. Create a gang to terrorize the streets of CAC. You can take classes such as drivers education, basic word processing, DIY car audio installation, basic computers and more. Search the streets, train stats in the gym, buy a car, get a job and play some lottery.

569 votes, average: 4.99 out of 5 569 votes, average: 4.99 out of 5 569 votes, average: 4.99 out of 5 569 votes, average: 4.99 out of 5 569 votes, average: 4.99 out of 5

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