Ice Gift Hunt

Future. What remains of humanity - several tribes - lives on a basalt archipelago. With the last ice age coming to an end, melting icebergs visit the archipelago every spring, bringing curious things with them. Frozen in ice, there are things belonging to forgotten civillizations, dangerous creatures, and more. Finding and studying "ice gifts" can be a dangerous thing to do but this is exactly what you (a child, a teenager, or an adult - whatever you choose) have in mind.

"Ice Gift Hunt" is a free choose-your-own adventure game with more text than pictures and with dozens of endings that depend on your choices.

0 votes, average: 0 out of 5 0 votes, average: 0 out of 5 0 votes, average: 0 out of 5 0 votes, average: 0 out of 5 0 votes, average: 0 out of 5

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Ice Gift Hunt images

one of the harmless ice gifts
one of the harmless ice gifts

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