Pokémon Eclipse (OFFLINE)
Pokémon Eclipse is a pokemon based browser RPG. Rich features, forum, global chat and much more. Train your pokemons, create your crew and fight againts others to advance. Catch your dream rare pokemons and battle yourself into the rankings. Minigames and mining available. Lots of frequent updates and events. With almost 1 million users, this game is one of the most popular pokemon based games out there!

(31 votes, average: 3.45 out of 5)
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12 comments on “Pokémon Eclipse”
Hi the URL for this game is not working
Its now called Pokemon Eclispe.
Worst game ever
its the best website ive ever seen but i was banned for 7 accounts but i would recommend it! im still waiting for a message back from webmaster to see if i can get unbanned...
I've been on TPM for almost 5 years now. I've made amazing friends there. The Root Webmaster is a great person to speak to about the site, or even just in general. As Sankarea and Saphy mentioned, the site is one big family brought together by one awesome guy. The removal of the level cap adds for a new challenge to those who don't find training difficult on other RPGs. Currently, the highest level Pokemon is at level 16,000,000. Differently colored Pokemon, like EmeraldMews, add to the visual factor of the RPG. It also contains Fakemon, such as the fan favorites Mewthree and XD001 (Shadow Lugia from Gale of Darkness), and new ones such as OmegaCelebi and Latimew. And for those who want some nostalgia, the Genesis Pokemon are recolored versions of the original Red/Blue sprites. You can buy and sell Pokemon to and from other users with the site's currency, Platinum Coins. I've said enough, so why don't you stop listening to me babble and try TPM? :)
Two words: Amazing Cless
TPM is probably the best Pokemon RPG out there. It's incredibly unique. Not only does it have catching and training pokemon, just like any other RPG, but what really makes this fun is how there is no level cap, so you don't have lame level 100 pokemon, you can go as high as you wish. TPM offers mining and a minigame centre too, as well as a unique battle story mode, where you learn about the fate of the world. Each pokemon has it's specific rarity, and there are 12 different 'colours' of Pokemon, including Shiny, Legacy and Golden. The site if constantly updated with new events and different available pokemon, which just makes TPM that much more unique. The community is great too. Global chat, forums, commenting on the new updates through the news comments on the website. The community is great to be included in. The staff are great too, so if you have problems, they will be glad to help you get your answer! Even the top-of-the-shop Root Webmaster becomes actively involved with the TPM community every now and again, and when he does, he always brings something different that last time! An overall solid 10/10 website, and I can't wait for the site to grow even more!
LOL. "Something different than last time" indeed. Whenever our dear Root Webmaster comes around, he definitely livens up the place even more, whether it's with music or funny new censors. He creates a fun atmosphere and occasionally discusses plans for future versions! Cless likes to hear what the users have to say as well and takes opinions into account for changes and updates.
XD why did u say loooooooooooooooooool
Love the game! Staff are so nice (I'm friends with a good bunch of them), most of the users of the site are very friendly and helpful. Being a member for a good amount of years, I'd love to see this site continue to grow.
Yep! Even tho I've been a player on TPM, for what, 5-6 months so far? It's a really open and friendly community! Staff members are kind and very, very helpful! And as Sankarea said, all this was brought together by one single person! I love this game and will continue to play it till I am no longer able to. I hope you guys will join this site and experience this amazing game! Stay tuned!
I've been a player from the very beginning of TPMRPG. As the years passed by, TPM started to develop a bigger system, a newer system, a nicer community. A family. All coded by a single person. Impressive, I would say. Currently there are a lot of features in the game such as Training, Mining, Forums, Story Modes and lots more! It's really cool and the community is very warmhearting. With a few exception of course. Overall I'd say it's definitely worth giving it a go, hopefully you'll fit in :)
Yey fer TPM [;
I've been an avid TPM player for close to 6 years now. The Pokemon Moon is definitely one of the best Pokemon RPG sites online today. The site is updated regularly, with new Pokemon going obtainable every few weeks. The community is nice and welcoming. The next version of the site - TPMRPG V. 2.0 - is currently in development as well. The staff is friendly, helpful, and keep the chatbox appropriate and spam-free. Even the root webmaster, the guy who codes the whole thing, is active in the community and interacts with the users. All in all, the Pokemon Moon is a wonderful site. Come by and see us sometime!
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