Tanoth (OFFLINE)
Tanoth is a free graphic-based multiplayer browser game. King Targon disappeared and the entire country fell into darkness and depression. His brother Halgan has been ruling with an iron fist. The catastrophe happened in the east but now the other is growing in north. You can choose an adventure, fight and you can even work. If you want to know more then explore the world of Tanoth!

(35 votes, average: 4.26 out of 5)
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6 comments on “Tanoth”
Tanoth is back with a rebirth
Flash player is expiring on google soon so we won't be able to play tanoth unfortunately
omg its still one of the best browser games i play
I am a bulgarian player in s2 and s3 bulgarian servers. Despite the game updates are rare last years, the game is touching me with its game mechanincs. I played browser games since 2007 and everywhere i had issues with the multies. Here in tanoth you can have as many multies as you want but you cant get anything from them because you cant transfer anything like gold, equipment or bloodstones. Its all up to you and how often do you play. The game does not require 1231231 hours per day, but just enter, do 5 quests and wait for today.
Yes, this game is so cool. Only some things is bad.. i played ir Latvian server.. but that server was close, because that server was to expensive.. and than I lost my best account :( it`s sad, they can pull user account to another country game server.. I really want to contonue game..
I play about five browser games but tanoth browser game for me is the most intresting and engaging. During the years i played i saw the game developing. The game developed to well-balanced, of course there is some things that can be fixed just like in most of the other browser games. Most imporant task in the game is to do 5 adventures per day, but you can do more if you use bloodstones. Long ago adventures was only way to get expierence but last years you can also get expierence by wining duel, working in job, going to dungeon or cave of illusions. That means new players can leveling faster bechause they get expierence from dungeons and old players whoo completed it befores uptadates did not get exp from it. I did not play tanoth regulary for about two years, but now i‘m playing again. It has something special to play it again and again.
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