Wize Guyz (OFFLINE)
Wize Guyz is a text-based browser game set in a cruel mafia world. If your dream is to reach the top then you must train strength, speed and defense in the gym. Increasing your stats helps you to become more powerful and commit crimes more successfully. Being a gangster is all about the speed, because a "slow criminal is a bad criminal". There's a checklist section that includes all the activities where you can earn money. Smuggle, search the town, gamble or sell items.

(45 votes, average: 3.98 out of 5)
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26 comments on “Wize Guyz”
Where's everyone at these days? I played these games when I was a lil kid.
Hey buddy i remember you from WG.
Discord: ogschmidty
what's up old wizeguyz players! good to see a couple of you after all these years 🙂
Hey guys it’s Envy :)
Miss playing with you old timers but a few of us are still around
I miss games like this! Where is everyone at?!
Come play Debauched City. It's a great game and lots of familiar faces to see. Just add the dot com at the end. Hope to see you there.
FYI don't bother looking for debauched city just another fuck up of his that he of course shut down. playing over at truemmo. not much better but more of the same ppl still play.
It says the game is down. I miss playing with you and Ewok.
come find us on truemmo dot com.
what game is everyone talking about
Debauched City
Everyone come play Debauched City instead
Mobrivalry.com is the newest i know of
The Joker FINALLY married Cherry come check it out :D
where ya at dog?
Any other game besides mafia struggle?
F*ck mafia struggle
Mafia Struggle :)
What Game?
Well guess he just got too greedy and lazy...where are you guys playing at?
Not sure if I will really play another game in the same way...thousands wasted on wg.
let me know if anyone has found anything better. it sucks what Acer did.
Damn why would he do that :/
so this went south, game just poof disappeared. so where is everyone playing now?
i am done playing these games. wiseguyzs ruined me. I wont spend a dime on another.
I'm at MafiaKings
the game was good till the "owner" scammed people and shut the game down without any notice.
This game, AceR, is just money scamming admin, and getting people before he shuts down the game, hence the white page when you try to register. Don't bother with this game!
This game was good till the admin deliberate ripped his players off Never ever play one of his games
got a new game for me blue..
Where is everyone at now? Dont bother going to OST it will be Reset again..
Where are you now?
What Game?
Everyone is playing this game now
What happened? Can't go to the login page in a while already...
Oh wow. He shut it down. Haha. What other games does this admin have?
All the above comments a correct its a great game BUT dont disagree with the owner , if you do you will get banned . even if its in private mail .
And dont believe a word the owner says when he says thats the biggest house in game , heard that 3 times and yet he still added bigger cause he wanted more donator money .
Where are you playing now Maggie??
i cant register i click to register and goes white page :(
Great game, the owner is a good guy he keeps it honest and interesting Never a dull moment come and play with us. :)
I've played a lot of games of this type, and this one is a cut above the rest. The owner runs a fair game and the players keep it very interesting. I highly recommend this game.
Awesome game. Great staff & owner. Amazing community. Hope to see you playing soon!
Game is better than most.
Great game , give it a try today
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