World of Bleach

World of Bleach is a free anime-based fighting MMORPG with unique 2D grid battle system. You will start your journey as a human and later you can choose your path between two races. Medical shop gives you different healing options to heal your character. You can take training classes, spar with fellow students and work on special challenges. In Central Park you can fight against different opponents and buy useful weapons. Increase your rank to be able to unlock more features and abilities. The highest rank gives you the ability to challenge for the position of race leader.

In a category: Fighting browser games
160 votes, average: 4.18 out of 5 160 votes, average: 4.18 out of 5 160 votes, average: 4.18 out of 5 160 votes, average: 4.18 out of 5 160 votes, average: 4.18 out of 5

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