Grepolis improvements and bug fixes

May 25, 2015 | 0 Comments

Summary of latest improvements in Grepolis as well as some bug fixes. There is also a single new feature, now when your warehouse if full, a confirmation prompt prevents lost resources. Mostly there have been changes in tutorials and quests area, some technical code structures have also been simplified.

Grepolis Achievements


There is now an option if you do not wish to allow quest arrows to be shown in your screen. Quests arrows are now saved for every quest and if you wont allow them for one quest, you won't show them until you complete the quest or enable the arrows again. This is just to give you less annoying notifications. In quests area there are also visual changes in the highlighting of quests. In the market area, your own offers are now sorted by the date they were created.

Bug fixes

Sometimes there were duplicated arrows on quests and they could even create a weird looking scrollbar. Fixed units recruitment cancelling errors. Some plain text changes have been made without any functionality tweaks. Some visual graphics details were not in the correct location or completely missing. Reports were showing the wrong units value for spells that destroy units.

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