Immoral Attack announcement
Shadow Lights Entertainment's game called "Immoral Attack" has ended it's birthday sale event. The kingdom round starts on May 15th and will only effect Guild War Points, other kingdom aspects aren't going to be reset. We are also taking a closer look at some of the recent in-game changes.
- Game was released, but kingdoms were still full of bugs, but now you can expect them to be fully working without any inconveniences.
- Guild War points reset values raised to restart the kingdom round officially.
- Kingdoms won't be reset. Players who participate in finding bugs and providing fixes for them will get a head start to the kingdom round.
- Some players saw weird bug during wars, it caused unusual losses, it's been dealt with, you shouldn't encounter such problems any more.
- Cron-job for peon settling did not properly work for few players, this server-side problem is now eliminated.
A TIP: You may also ask for free in-game stuff at official Immoral Attack facebook page.
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