Three fresh items added into Pirates: Tides of Fortune. You can check out these new items if you visit "Smuggler's Den" in-game. These are premium items that players have to purchase in-game, but as they are newly added, they have big discounts on them at the moment.
Closer look at these new items
Auto Crew Hider: Allows you to automatically secure all new units that you are training. Units will automatically go to your "Harbor" when they are ready.
Instant Recall: If you choose a wrong action or wish to take it back, then this is it. For example if you send your units attacking someone, but wish to call them back before they arrive, then you can use that item.
Quests Refresher: Allows you to get new Daily Quests. Usually when you complete daily quests, then you can't do them again on the same day twice. So this is good for players who have completed all of the daily quests, but want to do them over and over again.
Pirates: Tides of Fortune
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