What's new in Elite Avengers

June 16, 2015 | 0 Comments

Some tweaks and changes have been made to this new game round. In addition, they have once again started giving out medals, but you need to apply for that.

Last month's tweaks and changes

  • Tweaked car stealing so it would be possible to steal more cars. Also now you may reset your GTA timer to get a random car.

  • Owners of airports get 10% profit (City dons get 40%) in their city for all confiscated drugs.

  • Owners of airports get 10% profit (City dons get 40%) in their city for all confiscated drugs.

  • The chances of gaining a random in-game item has been doubled.

  • You can now use points to get 12h XP period for personals.

  • Cost of OJ timer reset from community store is now 75 CP.

  • Changing the backfire bullets amount is now possible.

  • Its is now possible to attack offline mission bots.

  • Cars will now have less effect on killing.

  • "Sollozzo" busting difficulty tweaked.

  • Filter for bad words has been removed.

  • State owned BFs make buyable bullets.

  • Bullet cap went from 300 to 400.

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