All browser games
K-9 : the game
Let's take a closer look at this simulation game called K-9 : the game. It allows you to get yourself a dog and use various features. Take a look at your kennel where you can see all the basic information about your account and your dog. Visit veterinary clinic to get annual vaccinations, do tests, offer treatments, and so forth. You could search for events and enter your dog in different events. Once in a while you can also read through health issues to be aware of them.

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Exhibited is a browser-based text game with virtual pet dinosaurs. On the map you can find all the buildings and features such as stores, the fruit vine, hall of fame, vet, wishing well, and so forth. Open a bank account by selecting your password and keep your money in safe. The game offers you an opportunity to visit Dinosaur Museum, pick out clothes from clothes store and go to the library. You could also keep an eye on your alerts and play different games.

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Zombie Harvest
Zombie Harvest is a free browser-based text game where you can take part in a horror zombie world with no mercy. Explore surroundings by choosing the direction and see what's about to happen. If you encountered another zombie and lost the battle you must go to the hospital. After winning the battle you gain experience and money. Equip weapons, armor and vehicles. Under Attack section you can see a list of other players so simply select a target and start attacking.

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Route to Destiny
Route to Destiny is a free role-playing game set in the future. At first, there are six different creatures available and you can select a character you would like to buy. Complete quests to have adventures and wander around the world. Under a battle section you can keep an eye on your incoming battles, so you wouldn't miss the fights. While creating a new squad, you have to think about the name and the leader. In addition, you get to choose whether your squad is defensive or aggressive.

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ShadowOps is a free to play browser game set in the space. Work hard and you'll be able to build the best kingdom. Space stations is a building section where you can construct supply depots, markets, deterium mine, power reactor, fighter pads and many other facilities. Constructing buildings costs credit and deterium. There are sneaky probes which help you to spy on other kingdoms. Probes can also steal resources of enemies, kidnap their population and much more.

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MechRage offers you an opportunity to get involved in the strategic world. After building the main facility, you can receive workers, resources and gold. The next step would be constructing collectors-factories to get a possibility to send workers out to collect. It's very important to upgrade your current buildings. For example, upgrading your basic building unlocks the power-plants, opens the mines and you can have depots available. Expand your base and dominate the world.

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Immortalix is a fighting browser game which includes friendly players, cool features and endless opportunities. Wander around the city where you can find shops, gambling section, shady corner and much more. Fountain of Light is a healing place and all you have to do is throw gold in the fountain. Enter the dungeon to experience spooky but exciting adventures. Purchase yourself a farm to get your own plot of land. Later you can also start growing crops and upgrade your farm.

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Kinslayer is a browser-based text game with wonderful adventures. You can choose your race between trolloc and human. Class selection includes ranger, thief, warrior and channeler. Warriors have an ability to practise weapon skills and ranger class is a very versatile class. Thieves are quite sneaky throughout the game and channelers are very powerful. You can equip weapons and armor that you've collected from quests, mining, shops and many other locations.

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Eternal Kingdoms
Eternal Kingdoms is a fantasy-based browser game with very realistic strategic situations. Create your king or queen and make sure if you want to be good, neutral or evil. Your basic aim is to build up a kingdom by using your own tactics. It's time to let your people explore the world to find resources and gain land. Building an intelligence center is a good idea if you're thinking about attacking. This way you can send out spies to gather information that helps you in battles.

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Dragon Pals
Dragon Pals is a browser-based game with a modern looking graphics. Dragon Pals is all about having adventures and fighting against monsters. You can choose your character and go on a journey with a companion. This means that you can have a princess and a small pet with you. Talk to the princess and read carefully her answers. Your pet can be a huge help for you in battles as he can cause damage to the enemy. Level up, explore different locations and follow the story.

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Winterfrost Legacy
Winterfrost Legacy is a free browser game with great adventures. You can explore the wide world, meet interesting characters and earn gold. There are a lot of various surroundings, so keep wandering. Buy gems to be able to play the lottery where you can win precious items. Gain levels or purchase lots of gems to get wings. After completing certain tasks, you can earn rewards such as experience and a pot of gold. Skills give you advantages, so don't hesitate to use them in battles.

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Crystal Saga
Crystal Saga is a free strategic MMO game. Create a character to start completing quests. There's a yellow exclamation mark that symbolizes a new quest. If you see a yellow question mark, then you can pick up rewards, since you've completed a quest. Meet interesting characters such as Goddess of Fate, Claude, Veryl, and so on. Make sure to double click items to equip them. Use the disenchanting feature to recover materials. This method will lose the original item. Purchase crystals, gain levels and fight.

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Galaxy Online 2
Galaxy Online 2 is a strategic building browser game. Construction takes time, but use a boost to speed it up. Resource warehouse is for collected resources. Once in a while, you should consider making room for new resources. You can complete daily quests and earn points. Logging in every day also helps to collect voucher. Spin the wheel once a day for free. There's a ground base, space base and galaxy. Construct buildings, upgrade them and expand. You can create a fleet by adding a name and choosing a commander.

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Shadowland is a browser-based MMO game. Your aim is to recover the nation by creating an army and fighting. The first job is to tax citizens in the Town Hall. Tax collection helps to earn money and expand the empire. Upgrade the Town Hall to construct more buildings. Creating an army requires choosing a hero. Enter the Gate of Ages to join a battle and attack enemies. Dragon training grounds section allows you to make a hero stronger. You can speed up the training. Your hero also needs a good weapon.

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Fate and Fortune
Fate and Fortune is a web-based roleplaying game. Attack enemies in the arena without choosing your opponents. Use the basic attacking or special spells. Losing the fight means that you also lose experience and gold. In melton's magic and general store you can purchase or sell items. Increase stats such as speed, physical defense, luck, magic attack, accuracy, physical attack, and so on. Learn new skills - some of them will unlock as you progress. Your spells are mentioned in a spellbook where you can manage spells.

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Asgard Heroes
Asgard Heroes is a free text-based browser game. There are different locations with each having its own purpose. Your first job is to upgrade spawning pit. Erythium is a unique mineral and you can collect it after unburrowing the alchemists. Hive is a building where you can set taxes. Extractors is a place that extracts gas from underground. Extractors need to be unburrowed to increase gas production. Unburrowing the solaris is necessary to gather energy. Den mound is for research and improvement. Tanker is supposed to maintain minerals.

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Battle of Beasts
Battle of Beasts is a monster empire building game. Monsters live inside a fence and they need food to stay strong. You can build a farm to produce enough food. Send your monsters into a battle. They can use a classic attack, special attack or defend themselves. Monsters can always escape from the combat. Buy several monsters to become more fearful. From level 5, you can buy a mill and a bakery. Residential house unlocks after level 8. You can build a watchtower from level 17 and tavern is available after level 18.

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HeroWarZone is an online war fighting game. Visit the Iregha's Market Stall to purchase body armor, long sword, templar knight helmet and other equipment items. Use everyday turns at searching Downtown to find cash and items. You could buy skills such as basic healing, halo strobe, minor distraction and more. Gamble in casino, join a drag race, get a job, train stats and create a crew. Buy a pet to gain stats bonuses such as extra speed, strength or defense. You have to spend points to start a mission. Each mission includes various objectives and you will have 24 hours to complete all the objectives. Successfully completed missions give you stat boosts, experience, money, points or items.

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Trophy Hunting Online
Trophy Hunting Online is a strategy game with hunting animals. Organize the equipment in your backpack and use only the best weapons. As a beginner you should start hunting in North America. Move on to Western United States as you progress. Southeast United States is a hunting area for experts. If you would like to unlock higher level lakes, you need to upgrade your movement level. You may earn lots of achievements as each animal has a potential for three separate achievements. Make sure to keep an eye on your hunting statistics and get ready to become one of the best hunters in the world.

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Lords of Wars
Lords of Wars is an online fighting game. Purchase various weapons to increase your attack power. Your defense power can be increased by purchasing armor and shields. Rest at the inn which helps you to refill your current HP, MP and TP to the maximum levels. Creating a clan unlocks after level 40. Submit a challenge by choosing an opponent and the bet. You may also accept a challenge after someone has submitted a challenge for you. You need to be at least 30th level to become a lord. Manage your land, buy maps, join a clan and earn gold to become the richest player.

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